Winter Tree Finder: Identifying Deciduous Trees Of Eastern North America By Their Bark And Twigs - Paperback

Winter Tree Finder: Identifying Deciduous Trees Of Eastern North America By Their Bark And Twigs

$7.95 $5.56
Watts, May Theilgaard

Identify deciduous trees in eastern North America with this pocket-size guide.

You can appreciate and enjoy natureā€™s beautiful treesā€”even during late fall and winter! If youā€™re curious about the deciduous trees that you see, then Winter Tree Finder by May Theilgaard Watts is just what you need. With the handy, easy-to-use booklet, you can identify trees throughout much of the eastern United States and eastern Canada.

The book provides a dichotomous key to identifying deciduous trees in late fall and winterā€”without the leaves. Simply answer a series of simple questions about the appearance of their twigs, as well as bark, buds, location, and more. Along the way, professional illustrations by Tom Watts help to guide you to a positive identification.

Book Features:

Step-by-step guide to winter tree identification
More than 120 species of deciduous trees
Professional line illustrations with key markings for identification
Small format that fits into a pocket or pack
This guide is applicable to eastern Canada and the US states of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and parts of Florida, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.
