There Are Dads Way Worse Than You: Unimpeachable Evidence Of Your Excellence As A Father - Hardcover

There Are Dads Way Worse Than You: Unimpeachable Evidence Of Your Excellence As A Father

Boozan, Glenn; Witte, Priscilla

Following up on the success of Glenn Boozanā€™s viral gift book, There Are Moms Way Worse Than You: Irrefutable Proof that You Are Indeed a Fantastic Parent, the dadā€™s companion book sets out to prove to dads all over the world that, however bad they think they are at parenting, there are dads way worse. While Moms Way Worse highlighted creatures across the animal kingdom who are terrible at parenting, Dads Way Worse showcases fictional dads (and their parenting failures) across history and in popular culture. What dad would think heā€™s doing poorly when compared to Jack from The Shining, Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones, orā€¦Walter White from Breaking Bad?:

Itā€™s fine if at a barbecue, your ā€œGrill Dadā€ skills are green
As long as what youā€™re cooking isnā€™t methamphetamine!

Or Darth Vader:

Oops! Forgot their bathtime? Mess up a mid-day snack?
Better than a cauterizing light saber attack.

The pages include plenty of Easter eggs for the true pop-culture nerds and history buffs, plus an informative and hilarious appendix that expands on the faults and foibles of the dads featured within. Boozanā€™s rhymed couplets, paired with Witteā€™s clever illustrations, make There Are Dads Way Worse Than You the perfect gift for fathers with a great sense of humor and a penchant for pop culture.

You might not make the Guinness Book for parenting the bestā€”
But even so, your kid believes youā€™re better than the rest.


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