Phuket Flexi Map - Non-book Item

Phuket Flexi Map

Insight Guides

Insight Guides Flexi Map Phuket: This easy to use, full-colour, water-proof map is all you need tonavigate Phuket. It also includes handy destination detail on Phuket and itsenvirons, and tips on top attractions and getting around. Ā· Combines clear, up-to-date cartography with destinationdetail, stylish design and stunning photography Ā· Maps are drawn to scale withprominent public buildings, hotels and other places ofinterest highlighted in the extensive index, including Phuket Town and thebeaches Ā· Maps cover Phuketand its environs Ā· But it's also muchmore than a map! - includes tips on topattractions, galleries, museums, heritage sites, travelling further afield, andgetting around Ā· Laminated finish is tough, waterproof and canbe written on with a non-permanent marker pen - just write and wipeas required About Insight Guides: Insight Guides is a pioneer offull-colour guide books, with almost 50 years' experience of publishinghigh-quality, visual travel guides with user-friendly, modern design. Weproduce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps, as well as phrasebooks, picture-packed eBooks and apps to meet different travellers' needs.Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus onhistory and culture create a unique visual reference and planning tool toinspire your next adventure.
