Fields To Streams: Managing Water In Rural Landscapes - Paperback

Fields To Streams: Managing Water In Rural Landscapes

Lewandowski, A. Et Al.

Lewandowski, A.; Everett, L.; Lenhart, C.; Terry, K.; Origer, M.; & Moore, R.

Fields to Streams: Managing Water in Rural Landscapes was prepared for landowners, land managers, and conservation professionals.

Part One: Water Shaping the Landscape explains the role of Minnesota's geology, changing rainfall, and land management practices in altering the amount and timing of runoff reaching and shaping streams and rivers.

Part Two: Managing Sediment and Water describes practices for managing crops, drainage systems, surface runoff, wetlands, impoundments, and stream corridors to reduce peak flows and their impact on gully, streambank, bluff, and ravine erosion.

Fields to Streams draws on research from Minnesota and Iowa, providing concise explanations and extensive graphics to highlight concepts and practices.

It is available in print form from the UofMN Bookstore, or as downloadable pdfs from 99 pages.


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