Cuentos De Buenas Noches Para Ninas Rebeldes / Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls ( Spanish Language Title ) - Paperback

Cuentos De Buenas Noches Para Ninas Rebeldes / Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls ( Spanish Language Title )

Favilli, Elena

The New York Times bestselling Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is a children's book packed with 100 bedtime stories about the life of 100 extraordinary women from the past and the present, illustrated by 60 female artists from all over the world. The New York Times bestselling Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is a children's book packed with 100 bedtime stories about the life of 100 extraordinary women from the past and the present, illustrated by 60 female artists from all over the world. Each woman's story is written in the style of a fairy tale. Each story has a full-page, full-color portrait that captures the spirit of the portrayed hero.Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes reinventa los cuentos de hadas. Elizabeth I, Coco Chanel, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Serena Williams y otras mujeres extraordinarias narran la aventura de su vida, inspirando a niñas —y no tan niñas— a soñar en grande y alcanzar sus sueños; además, cuenta con las magníficas ilustraciones de sesenta mujeres artistas de todos los rincones del Planeta.

Un libro que debe estar en la mesa de noche de todas las niñas y mujeres jóvenes que conoces.
—Geri Stengel, Forbes

Estos cuentos para antes de dormir no son protagonizados por princesas, sino por mujeres que cambiaron el mundo.
—Taylor Pittman, The Huffington Post


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