Stranger In The Shogun'S City : A Japanese Woman And Her World - Paperback

Stranger In The Shogun'S City : A Japanese Woman And Her World

Stanley, Amy

The daughter of a Buddhist priest, Tsuneno was born in a rural Japanese village and was expected to live a traditional life much like her motherā€™s. But after three divorcesā€”and a temperament much too strong-willed for her familyā€™s approvalā€”she ran away to make a life for herself in one of the largest cities in the world: Edo, a bustling metropolis at its peak.

With Tsuneno as our guide, we experience the drama and excitement of Edo just prior to the arrival of American Commodore Perryā€™s fleet, which transformed Japan. During this pivotal moment in Japanese history, Tsuneno bounces from tenement to tenement, marries a masterless samurai, and eventually enters the service of a famous city magistrate. Tsunenoā€™s life provides a window into 19th-century Japanese cultureā€”and a rare view of an extraordinary woman who sacrificed her family and her reputation to make a new life for herself, in defiance of social conventions.
