Thucydides: A Very Short Introduction

Thucydides: A Very Short Introduction

Roberts, Jennifer

An introduction to the thought and background of the Greek historian Thucydides, this book examines his account of the great war between Athens and Sparta in the context both of the international situation in the classical Greek world and of the intellectual traditions of the fifth century BCE.

Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring

In 432 BCE the powerful city-state of Sparta on the peninsula of the Pelvsinnesus in southwestern Greece declared war on Athens, head of a mighty naval coalition. The war would last until Sparta finally brough Athens to its knees in 404. The Athenian aristocrat Thucydides, suspecting the magnitude of the conflict that was unfolding before his eyes, at once undertook to record its history, exploring the causes and course of the war in the context of his great interest: human nature. An introduction to Thucydides' thought and background, this book examines Thucydides' account of the war in the context both of the international situation in the classical Greek world and of the intellectual traditions of the fifth century BCE, exploring the historian's connection to prose writers like Herodotus as well as poets like Homer and the tragedians, and investigating the complex dynamics of the war that changed the Greek world forever.
