How To Let Things Go: 99 Tips From A Zen Buddhist Monk To Relinquish Control And Free Yourself Up For What Matters

How To Let Things Go: 99 Tips From A Zen Buddhist Monk To Relinquish Control And Free Yourself Up For What Matters

Masuno, Shunmyo & Allison Markin Powell

Amid the relentless cycle of news, social media, emails, and texts, it can be hard to know when, if ever, you can take a break from everything clamoring for your attention. The internationally bestselling Buddhist monk Shunmyo Masuno offers a radical message: You can leave it all be, and, indeed, sometimes the best thing you can learn is how to do nothing. How to Let Things Go will teach you to:

Lesson #2: Give people spaceā€”being caring and being nosy are not the same thing.
Lesson #15: Remember that social media is a tool and nothing more.
Lesson #19: Let a relationship come to an end rather than force it.
Lesson #40: Think of letting things go not as throwing them away but as setting them free.
Lesson #75: Make decisions in the light of the morningā€”don't rush into them.
Lesson #90: Slow down and take more breaks.

With these and ninety-three other practical tips, you can abandon the futile pursuit of trying to control everything and discover the key to a fulfilling social life; individual well-being; and a calmer, more focused mind.
